I have given everything I see [...] all the meaning that it has for me.
By reading the text's chapter 10 today, I saw that lesson two is described in the chapter's introduction (paragraph 2, line 7): "Every response you make to everything you perceive is up to you, because your mind determines your perception of it."
Furthermore, by reading the Manual's tenth question, the benefits of mastering the lesson is described.
In the description of the lesson, indiscrimination is emphasized. To help yourself better align to the lesson's purpose, refrain from calling out characteristics that reinforce uniqueness.
For example, the lesson description says: "The the subjects simply as you see them. Try to apply the exercise with equal ease to a body or a button, a fly or a floor, an arm or an apple."
Note there are no adjectives, like an old body, or a blue button, or a red apple. Adjectives are an aspect of the illusion of differences. This is not to say we should avoid adjectives in our day-to-day lives, but we should be careful to recognize that when we do use them, we are calling out our need for the lesson itself.
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